Review: Grin and Beard It (Winston Brothers #2) By: Penny Reid

Review: Grin and Beard It (Winston Brothers #2) By: Penny Reid

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This is my favorite series by Penny! With book one she introduced us to a new kind of romance novel hero and with each book in this series she gives us more to love 😉 Jethro and Sienna’s story couldn’t be more opposites attract haha she’s a Hollywood Star and He’s a Park Ranger (It took all I had to not insert a Yogi Bear reference here. . . You are so welcome! The struggle is real) 

The thing I love most about Penny’s writing style is that she has the most complex, hilarious, relatable characters. In each of her heroines I find a little piece of myself and in this one it would be Sienna’s directionally challenged quirk haha it also lead to one of many highlighted passages in this book but probably my favorite because I could see myself doing the same. 

 “Then I opened my driver’s side door, still grunting and raging, and slammed the map against the car, threw it on the ground, stomped on it, kicked it, and just generally assaulted it in every way I could think of. I’m a little embarrassed to admit, in my mindlessness I was also taunting the map, questioning its virility, flipping it the bird, and cursing now in Spanish as well as English. It was the most cardio I’d done in over twelve months.” 

You just stop and go. . . Yep that’s so me! Haha and of course what happens when you have a epic freak out? Yep, Hottie McRanger shows up! Its like the set up for the most awesome rom com movie ever (hear that studio heads! We the people want a series of Winston Brothers movies like now!) After he does this whole knight in shining armor routine what follows is one of the most adorbs stories I have read in quite some time! I love how we see chapters from each of their POV’s because its funny how 2 people see the same event in completely different ways (and Jethro’s inner monologue is laugh out loud funny and highlight worthy!) 

This book much like book one is so refreshing and makes for a perfect summer read. . . Out in a hammock with a cold drink and snuggled up with my own bearded hottie 😉 (even he got a good laugh at some of the passages I read to him) this book just goes to show why Penny Reid is one of the top names in romance. 

One thought on “Review: Grin and Beard It (Winston Brothers #2) By: Penny Reid

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